2 oz Gin¾ oz Liquid Alchemist Almond Orgeat¾ oz Lemon2 dashes Bitters Shake hard with ice and strain up. Garnish with lemon peel. Explore More Orgeat Recipes
2 oz Blended Scotch¾ oz Lemon¾ oz Liquid Alchemist Ginger Syrup¼ oz Honey Syrup (2:1, honey:water)barspoon Islay Scotch (float) Shake and dump into rocks glass. Garnish with Islay float and ginger candy. Explore More Ginger Recipes
2 oz Dark Rum1 oz Liquid Alchemist Ginger Syrup½ oz Lime2 oz Club Soda Shake with ice, then add soda and dump in collins. Garnish with lime. Explore More Ginger Recipes
2 oz Rum2 oz Liquid Alchemist Coconut Syrup2 oz Pineapple Juice Shake and serve on the rocks. Garnish with a pineapple slice. Explore More Coconut Recipes
1½ oz Irish Whiskey 1 oz Liquid Alchemist Apple Spice Dash Aromatic Bitters 4 oz Hot Water Serve in a preheated mug or glass with a handle. Drop in a lemon peel, avoid expressing oils. Explore More Apple Spice Recipes
2 oz Dark Rum¾ oz Lemon1 oz Liquid Alchemist Passion Fruit¼ oz Liquid Alchemist Grenadine Shake with crushed ice and dump into hurricane glass. Garnish with an orange slice and cherry. Explore More Passion Fruit Recipes Explore More GrenadineRecipes

2 oz Whiskey1 oz Liquid Alchemist Apple Spice½ oz Lemon2 dashes Aromatic Bitters Shake with ice and dump into rocks glass. Garnish with an apple slice, or lemon wheel. Explore More Apple Spice Recipes

2 oz White Rum 1 oz Liquid Alchemist Simple Syrup 1 oz Lime Juice Combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake and strain up into a chilled coupe. Garnish with lime wedge. Explore More Simple Syrup Recipes
Clover Club

2 oz Dry Gin1 oz Liquid Alchemist Raspberry Syrup¾ oz Lemon1 Egg White Dry shake, then add ice and shake hard. Strain up in a cocktail glass. Garnish with skewered raspberries. Explore More Raspberry Recipes
Jack Rose Cocktail

2 oz Apple Brandy¾ oz Lime¾ oz Liquid Alchemist Grenadine Shake with ice, strain up into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime wheel. Explore More Grenadine Recipes